How do I automate the service date/ service period?

In this article, you will learn how to automate the service date or service period for your ERP system.


How does the readout and automation work?

As soon as you have added the field required for your ERP system to the invoice detail screen, it is automatically read out and transferred to your ERP system when the invoice is exported. In the following article, you will find instructions on how to configure the invoice detail screen:


If the software cannot read out the service date, the invoice date is entered in the service date field as an alternative when using Rechnungsdatenservice. When using the Buchungsdatenservice interface, the service date field in this case is exported to DATEV empty.

Which field must be active?

The following fields must be filled in and added to the invoice detail screen in order to be transferred to your ERP system:

  • DATEV: Invoice period end date
  • BMD and RZL: Service period

Are there shortcuts to enter the service date manually?

If you use DATEV as your ERP system, shortcuts can be used to enter the service date. To do this, enter the following shortcuts in the "Invoice period start date" field as required. Finmatics then automatically fills in the "Invoice period end date" field and always adds the correct date of the current year.

W+calendar week number (z.B. W23)

The Calendar week 23 (07.06.2021 - 13.06.2021) is automatically entered as the service date. 
M+month number (z.B. M10) The entire month of October (01.10.2021 - 31.10.2021) is automatically entered as the service date.
Q+Quarter number (z.B. Q2) The entire quarter 2 (01.04.2021 -30.06.2021) is automatically entered as the service date. 
Y+Year (z.B. Y21) The entire year 2021 (01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021) is automatically entered as the service date.