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Information regarding your ERP/accounting system
General questions and FAQ
General questions
First Steps with Finmatics
Invoice detail screen
First Steps BMD, RZL and DATEV
First Steps in other ERP Systems
User management
Document input
General questions about the receiving/upload of documents
E-Mail Document Input
Document processing
General questions about invoice processing
Cut/sort documents
Read out documents
Complete accounting information in documents
Process bank transactions
Audit according to UStG criteria
Shared Service Center
Supplier communication
Processing history
Download invoices
Add-on products/individual customisation
Document approval
Customized Automations
Information regarding your ERP/accounting system
BMD and Finmatics
BMD environment
RZL and Finmatics
DATEV and Finmatics
DATEV environment
Finmatics mobile App
Security and IT
Data protection
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Support Center
Information regarding your ERP/accounting system
General questions and FAQ
General questions
First Steps with Finmatics
Invoice detail screen
First Steps BMD, RZL and DATEV
First Steps in other ERP Systems
User management
Document input
General questions about the receiving/upload of documents
E-Mail Document Input
Document processing
General questions about invoice processing
Cut/sort documents
Read out documents
Complete accounting information in documents
Process bank transactions
Audit according to UStG criteria
Shared Service Center
Supplier communication
Processing history
Download invoices
Add-on products/individual customisation
Document approval
Customized Automations
Information regarding your ERP/accounting system
BMD and Finmatics
BMD environment
RZL and Finmatics
DATEV and Finmatics
DATEV environment
Finmatics mobile App
Security and IT
Data protection
Information regarding your ERP/accounting system
Here you can find answers to the interaction of Finmatics. The workspace includes ERP tips.
BMD and Finmatics
BMD - How is master data of business partners newly created or added?
BMD - Incorrect separation of an invoice: Can individual PDF documents be converted into one PDF file in the program or will I always have 3 PDF attachments?
BMD - Why is supplier master data not automatically imported?
BMD environment
BMD - How can invoices be sorted by date in Journal Entry?
BMD - Is it possible that you can view the booking text history in the booking text field in the preliminary entry?
BMD - What options are there regarding booking text if Finmatics sends it blank?
BMD - Can incorrectly imported bookings be marked and deleted with Multiselect?
Can BMD Shortcuts be used for Booking Texts in Finmatics too?
BMD - Does the IBAN serve as an assignment for bank mapping between pre-entry and the bank statement booking?
BMD - How do I proceed if I have not only one accounting to the client, but 2 or more (often in case of renting etc.)?
BMD - How to have the internal document number reassigned and enter a start value?
BMD - Why is the field "479 - Finmatics" inactive on the company master and the check mark cannot be set?
BMD - What happens when the period is closed and the invoice plus data is passed on?
BMD - Can cost centers and cost units be synchronized with Finmatics?
BMD - Can invoices be "blocked" in the preliminary entry in order not to book them yet?
BMD - If a client is to be processed in Finmatics, is it still possible to book entries individually in "Paperless booking" or is this function then blocked?
BMD - How do I set up a client for Finmatics ?
See more
RZL and Finmatics
RZL - How do I process net income accounting in Finmatics?
RZL - How do I set up a client for Finmatics Connect?
RZL - How can I detect duplicates?
RZL - How do I retrieve invoices from Finmatics Connect?
RZL - How do I set up Finmatics Connect?
RZL - How do I transmit invoices to Finmatics Connect?
RZL - Why does my client receive the error message "Access data Finmatics missing" when uploading documents?
RZL - Why can't I start a synchronization with Finmatics?
See more
DATEV and Finmatics
DATEV - Why is the booking text in Rechnungswesen different from the Finmatics software?
DATEV - How do I export personal and G/L accounts as well as transaction data from Rechnungswesen to Finmatics?
DATEV - How do I set up the document image service?
DATEV - How do I use Finmatics for "Meine Steuern"?
DATEV environment
DATEV - How can booking proposals with a question mark be automatically in Rechnungswesen?